A few months ago, I felt frazzled every night before bed. At 11:00pm I was still trying to squeeze in a few more minutes of work, worried ... VIEW POST
A few months ago, I felt frazzled every night before bed. At 11:00pm I was still trying to squeeze in a few more minutes of work, worried about everything I didn’t get done during the day and stressed about the upcoming day. All of that worrying and anxiety was starting the keep me up… VIEW POST
How Getting Up Early Changed My Life
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be writing a blog post about getting up early! I am not a morning person y’all! Truth be ... VIEW POST
Seven Days in Maui
Day 1- Arrival Day Pick up rental car, check-in to the hotel, buy a few groceries at the nearest grocery store, grab a quick dinner, ... VIEW POST
Simple Photography Tips for Family Travel
Over the years we've taken lots of family vacations. Some trips I have come home with the most amazing pictures, great shots of our family ... VIEW POST